Carly was a cute little ladybug and Emerson was Thomas the Train. Grandma "B" threw the best party for the kids!! We fished for prizes and had other fun games! Bob Potter looking quite nice in his mullet! Thanks Grandma B it was a fun night for everyone!
We have attempted to go to the games this year with the kids! In the past it has been hard to keep them interested! So far a little bit of popcorn and soda can do wonders! We had a really good time!
I caught Emerson jumping on his bed with his cowboy hat on and I had to take a picture!! I was just thinking today how much fun I'm having with my kids. They are constantly doing and saying the funniest things. Carly was crying in the car and Emerson turned to her in the sweetest, highest pitched voice you've ever heard and said "It will be OK sweetie." (The first time I've ever heard him say sweetie) Carly is our ham! She is always smiling and cuddling and loving whoever and whenever. Her daddy loves to give way too many kisses and she always yells at him "NO Dad!" even as she's laughing!
Here is a picture of the only pumpkin we grew in our garden! It literally smothered all the other pumpkins that tried to grow! It is wierd looking but we love it!
We washed our pumpkin and then I rolled it to the front of our house! It was sooo heavy!
A neighbor made this for us and I thought it was so cute! I love fall and halloween and of course the treats that come with it! I thought these were funny. The kids always want to be naked and running around. What will we do in the winter?! My 28th Birthday! Thanks Mom, Ang, Hay, and Nik for spending the day together! It was fun as always! We took the kids for a ride on the horses. They had so much fun! These pictures were about a month ago and I'm already missing the weather!! Here is Emerson and Drake Palmer.
I had to post this for the few hunting fans out there! After waiting 16 long years Bob finally drew a tag for this southern Utah elk hunt! Thanks to his Dad and friends that helped him scout he got a beautiful elk! I am sooo glad that he got the big bull elk he was waiting for! Does anyone eat elk meat?? I think I'll be eating it this year!!
We took a trip to Jackson Hole a few weeks ago and it was one of our most enjoyable family trips. The scenery is absolutely beautiful! When the kids get bigger we will float the river! I think this is a chipmonk that fell in love with Emerson and I later learned it was because Emer was feeding him his lunch! Tons of these little creatures crawl out of their burrows and walk up to you! This was on the Square in Jackson Hole. Emerson and Bobby rode the Alpine slide and I've never seen Emerson so happy!! The look on his face explains it all! He had a blast riding the chair lift and coming down the slide! Oh, the scabs on his face are from a previous bike accident! He looked a little beat up for a while! Carly had a horrible case of the flu on our trip to Jackson but she always pulls through with a smile! I love this girl, she is our sweet little sunshine!!
Cousins The new golf cart has been a hit! I have been trying new recipes from the Deceptively Delicious cook book so that I can use up our garden veggies. Below are my healthy zucchini and banana cookies!
I have to put a plug in for my cute friends Jennifer Palmer and Brittany Andrus who designed and sewed this awesome bedding for me! I loooove it!
So, Bob drew a turkey tag this season but was having a hard time finding any turkey! The kids and I even went with him one time and they are a lot smarter animal than you think! This morning, much to his surprise a nice turkey came strutting by behind our warehouse! With a handfull of Bob's employee's watching he takes out his bow and arrow and takes that poor turkey down! He loves the story but I'm a little grossed out by it! Here are some cute pictures. Emerson was so excited to see the "sleeping" turkey and was petting it and telling me how he wants to get a turkey when he gets bigger. Funny kids! Needless to say we will be eating turkey dinner on a beautiful spring evening!
I used to love to blog and I recently realized that I really miss blogging! I hadn't updated my profile since 2009 so here goes an update!! My sweet husband Bobby and I have been married for 12 years. Its the best decision I've ever made with many wonderful bumps along the way! :) We have 3 busy kids. We adopted our 2nd son which was another one of the best and hardest things I've ever done. We love to go boating, camping, hiking, and skiing as a family. I love to read, exercise, laugh, play the piano, listen to music and play on a local tennis team. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I love it! It is my faith in Jesus Christ that has gotten me through all of life's most difficult moments! We are not a perfect bunch but we work hard, try hard and have a lot of fun along the way! Thanks for visiting my blog!