
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

It's finally here!

We have so many blessings to be grateful for! First of all, our sweet, adorable little foster son J.R. will officially be our little boy next month! We are so excited to have him be a part of our family FOREVER! I can't imagine our lives without him. We got some more great news today. J.R's pre-school teacher called me and said that he has surpassed all of his requirements in his special education class and he is no longer eligible for special education or speech! I can't tell you what a miracle that is!! Those of you who knew him one year ago when he first came to live with us truly know what a miracle it is!

Lastly, in January Bob totally shocked me when he said he was offered a job a couple hours away! It was bitter sweet thinking about leaving Logan and all of the many memories and friends we have made here. But we will be moving to the same city as my sisters and parents and many family and friends so the decision took like...1/8 of a second to make! Since that time we have sold our home, bought a new home, and Bob has been working there while I stay here and MISS him all week long!! I know thats cheesy but I am really excited to be together as a family again! So, this Friday is the last day in our wonderful Logan home! We will miss you!


Daisie said...

Oh my word!! What an amazing new adventure for you guys!! I hope we can time our Logan trips at the same times!! Good Luck with your move! I am excited for you guys!! And especially congrats on J.R. being yours officially, that is such great news!!

The Holts said...

Brittany, I am so excited for you guys!! Did you sell the business, or will you just have a manager in Logan and keep it? I am excited for the adoption to go through. So much good news. :) Enjoy Idaho Falls!!!!

Karie Coats said...

We will miss you too, so don't be surprised when us and the Andersons show up on your lot with a trailer! :)

Karmann said...

Congrats on your adoption! What a lucky little boy he is! It always amazes me what progress can be made when a little child is placed with a family that they love and feel safe in. I admire you and Bob so much and love hearing stories like this!!! Again! Congrats on your newest member of your family!!!

I am SO excited for your next big change with the move and job! I know that it will be hard to leave Logan after all of these years but I can see how everything has fallen into place that the Lord is taking you to the next best thing for your family and I cant WAIT to hear all about the blessings and happenings that come from it! Plus what a bonus to be close to your family!!! I love how close you all are!

I love you and miss you!!!

balesfamily said...

This Friday! That came so soon! I thought it would be fun to hang out a couple of times before you go but I guess I ran out of time. I am going to miss you SO much! You have been an incredible friend and I am really grateful for everything you have done for me. I am going to miss you so much.

Hayley Nelson Potter said...

Yeay for Idaho! We are counting down the days. You guys have been so amazing for JR. He is the best little boy. Really he is! See you soon.

Brittany said...

Thanks guys! I'm sure we have some great adventures ahead! Shelley-we are keeping the business but hiring a manager. Karie-you don't even need your trailer! We have a whole basement reserved for anyone who will come and visit! :)

Jenn said...

How exciting Brit, what great things in your life right now! It will be very hard to leave your house and friends, I know how that is, but how lucky I think you are to be with your parents and siblings. So happy for J.R. I can't wait to meet him!! What a happy time, enjoy it.

the Youngs said...

Heck, I'm a little sad that you're leaving Logan...but now that I'm not there, I guess it should be ok. Your new home is beautiful! I'm so excited to see you and everyone now whenever we visit! We also so happy to have J.R. added to the family tree. What a sweet boy he is! Love you guys.

Chris Grover said...

hey guys! hope you are getting all settled in and doing well! we miss you here, but i'm sure this has been a very fun and exciting change for you! i'm glad you're blogging again so we can keep up with your family!